Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July

My favorite holiday is upon us again. This weekend we celebrate everything that makes America great, our freedom being foremost. Well, maybe after blowing stuff up. In between hot dogs and fireworks, take a minute to think about what our Founding Fathers did for us in 1776 and how much things have changed since then- some better, some worse. Take time to actually read the Declaration of Independence. It truly is a masterpiece. In closing, Jefferson stated, "We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." We really meant that. Failure to win the war meant anyone whose name was on that document faced hanging as a traitor to the crown. Thousands of Continental soldiers and state militiamen died to secure our freedom. Robert Morris, a Congressional delegate from Philadelphia, was one of the wealthiest men in America at the time. Through his loans (as well as from foreign governments) the war was financed. By the time of Washington's presidency he was in debtor's prison. He truly pledged his fortune. As for their sacred honor, I believe the Revolutionary generation is among the most revered of all time. Had the Revolution failed how they be remembered today? Think about what freedom means to you, and thank a veteran. If you enjoy your freedom and want to keep it, think about voting for me.

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