Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Platform

In order to make myself more electable, I've decided to change my platform to what works for everyone else. Foreign policy: more wars and a base in every country! Fiscal policy: buy newer, faster printing presses for the Fed! Agriculture: raise unicorns and sell them for gold! Bailouts: one million dollars per household, one billion per corporate executive! (They have a lifestyle to support.) Homeland security: a counterterrorism agent in every home! Congressional affairs: open an investigation to find out if any other members of Congress have ever called anyone a liar!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Someone's Paying Attention To Me

Visitors to my website come in all shapes and sizes, and from all over the world. Washington of course leads the way, but I'm getting a lot of looks from DC. I wonder who it is. I've had visitors from 21 states total, plus DC. I'm international as well, counting visitors from 9 countries, with Iraq and Australia being the latest to join my list. If I could Jerry Lewis's endorsement the French would love me. I'm halway there- the Quebecois love me.

Fining Me Is Not A Tax Increase

Barak Obama says a proposed fine for people who do not get the government run health insurance is not back-door tax increase. Instead he says, "What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore." I'm confused. If I chose not to get his insurance and I pay my own way, how does that make other people "carry my burden"? It seems more like they would carry my burden if I DO get his insurance. Can someone straighten this out for me?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Recession Is Over!

Fed chairman Ben Bernanke said earlier this week that the recession is over. Keep in mind, the Fed is the same group that mismanaged the economy into the Great Depression. These are the same people that declared we were in a recession after it had been going on for a year. I'm no economist, but even I could tell the economy wasn't all that great at least 3 years ago. But, go ahead and spend, spend, spend now that the economy is back to normal. Just don't expect unemployment to hit single digits again for at least another year. If it turns out that somehow our economic gurus who led us into this mess are wrong and the recession isn't really over, one of my first orders of business (I have many) will be to replace your worthless Federal Reserve Note with something that has real value.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Foreign Adventure!

In the news today is word of an American attack in Somalia. I was hoping the helicopter airstrike was being launched against those bothersome pirates. Instead, the Somalian branch of al-Queda was the target. Reportedly the mastermind of the attacks against an Israeli hotel and a Kenyan airliner. While it's great to take out a few bad guys, are we getting into something we may not be able to leave for a while?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Rule

Since apparently I became confused and replied to Anonymous's comment and not Anonymous's I have decided to change the settings for this blog. Now you'll have to sign in to leave a comment, and please for the love of Mike only one of you can make your user name Anonymous!

Back to Work

After a string of mishaps involving deaths and illnesses it's time to get back to winning this election. Although I enjoyed my time not thinking about the campaign, it feels good to be getting back into things. First up is the rescheduled bake sale on Friday, September 18th, followed by a trip to the Puyallup Fair the next day where I will be shamelessly promoting myself, as well as the values America was built on. See you there!