Thursday, June 11, 2009

WHO Declares Swine Flu Pandemic

The World Health Organization on Thursday declared the swine flu to be a pandemic. So far a total of two Americans have died from the disease. While government agencies around the world seem to be panicking over this year's flu du jour, in reality there seems to be nothing to worry about. This flu is no deadlier than any other, and most symptoms are mild. What can we expect now that we've gone pandemic? Be on the lookout for increased government intrusions. Nothing justifies a loss of liberty better than an emergency and no one creates emergencies better than governments. Expect mandatory vaccinations by the fall, keeping in mind that it is completely unconstitutional. At the extreme end of the spectrum, martial law could be declared, although no one knows how that can stop a virus. The main goal of an emergency is a power grab, and this mild strain of flu is no exception. It seems as though any time something happens the government declares it to be a "crisis". The point of calling everything a crisis is to instill fear into the populace. If you're scared you'll let the government take care of you. We've been letting the government take care of us since the Great Depression nothing has gotten better. Stand up to fear and refuse any flu vaccines. I've never gotten the flu unless I got the flu shot. So you might get a bad cold. It's better than giving another inch of ground to the fearmongers in DC.

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