Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More Blowback from our Flawed Foreign Policy

A US soldier was shot and killed last week outside an Arkansas recruiting center, and a second soldier was wounded. The suspect in the shootings is a Muslim man who claims he is justified because of American military presence in the Middle East. He was retaliating for claims that soldiers have been desecrating the Koran and raping and killing Muslims. While I don't condone the attack, it only offers more proof that US foreign policy breeds anomosity toward Amercans from abroad and radicalizes people who otherwise would have no gripes against Americans. Certainly a high percentage of terrorists chose that profession because of American meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. We must correct our foreign policy, because throwing rocks at a bee hive only has one result.


  1. A Conservative would not make a moral justification for the murder of a US soldier!!!

  2. I never said anyone was justified for anything, and I certainly would never condone killing anyone unless your life or someone else's is in danger. I only meant to point out that the American foreign policy of aggression only leads to more aggression aimed at us.

  3. That is like saying if that women didn't wear that mini skirt she wouldn't have got raped. That doesn't sound Conservative to me.

  4. Building empires doesn't sound very conservative either....

  5. You call the freedom of 50 million people building an empire? You call saving the Kuwatis from rape and murder in there own streets by Saddam building an empire? Is having forces around the world ready to respond to anything building an empire? Why don't you tell the women of Afghanistan that can now leave there home without being murdered by the Taliban we were just building an empire? Your silly Ron Paul thinking would of kept us out of WW2. Dave Reichart may have voted for Cap and Trade but he would not make a moral justification for the murder of one of our soldiers!! So make sure you keep your schedule updated cause this blog of yours is going into a flier that I will hand out at your stops. You soiled our Tea Party by campaigning. Your a pretty quiet guy I hope you can be more convincing then me. See you there.

  6. Is that what you think our troops do go around oppressing people like the Soviet Union? Any good conservative would know that Reagan thought the Soviet Union was an evil empire. Do you under stand an empire or conservative or did you just hear someone else talking about it. Do you really think our troops stationed over seas are building empires.

  7. Really our soldiers are building Empires.

  8. You sound about as Conservative as Harry Reid!!!!!

  9. That is a disgusting way of thinking!! It is ok for them to kill our soldiers because of our foriegn policy!!!
