Monday, August 10, 2009

Town Hall Backlash

Across the nation members of Congress are holding town hall meetings in their home districts. Some of these town halls are becoming near riots as the very vocal 30% of Americans who are against the Obamacare plan are turning out in force. Either the White House is giving us phoney numbers or the 70% in favor are staying home. Adam Smith held one in Puyallup last week but I don't know how raucous it got. Despite the outrage, some Congressmen continue to hold public meetings. Others, lacking the courage to face their constituents, are holding teleconfernces. Our own Dave Reichert recently held a teleconference, a format which is more easily controlled than a crowd. Reichert also had a BBQ in Mercer Island recently, where he got an earful from constituents. Despite the public outcry against Obamacare, the White House and media continue to belittle anyone who offers dissent. Some change.
In other news, I met with local Republicans last week and I continue to be encouraged by the lack of love for Dave Reichert. I also spoke at the Mountain Community Co-op board meeting about proposed and pending legislation which affects health. The "Food Facism" bill, HR 2749 unfortunately passed the House at the end of July. As I predicted, Reichert voted in favor of giving the government control of your food. On Saturday I had the pleasure of attending Wendy Birnbaum's Freedom on Fire picnic and pig roast in Orting. The food was fantastic and I met a lot of people who are fed up with Congress in general and Reichert in particular. The more people I meet the more fired up I am to with this election!


  1. The blog More blow back for flawed foriegn policy is disgusting you make a moral justification for the murder of a US soldier. That is like saying if a women didn't wear that dress she wouldn't have been raped!!! Your outlook on what the US good we are doing in the world is disturbing. Your empire comments are ignorant!! USSR was a Empire, do you believe we are inslaving other nations and making them our own with military bases in there countries!!! Why don't you head to Fort Lewis and tell the soldiers what you think of there EVIL WAYS!!! Sure Dave voted for cap and trade but guess what everything he has said about our troops has been positive!! So do I vote for a guy that has nothing but a positive, supporting outlook on Americas heros, but voted for cap and trade? Or do I vote for a coward that makes a MORAL JUSTIFICATION FOR THE MURDER OF A US SOLDIER? I suppose you believe 9/11 was an inside job too? Are you a truther? Cause you sure are no Conservative!!!

  2. You are entitled to your opinion as much as I am entitled to mine. Whether or not you vote for me is entirely up to you, but like it or not there's a chance you'll be stuck with me as your representative. Assuming that to be the case, I'll be looking for input from all my constituents. What foreign policy course would you pursue, and what are your thoughts on other issues? Are you in favor of the single-payer healthcare? Should we return to the gold standard? Do we need to audit the Fed? I'd like to know what you think about these other issues as well.

  3. So what do you think of Truthers? Most Ron Paul supporters believe in Truthers conspiracies. No to single payer. It would be nice to return to gold standard but there is to much currency out to change now. Auditing the Fed would be nice but Congress would just muddy the water and make monetary policy more screwed up. Congress has enough piggy banks. Those good for you. So what about truthers? What about abortion? We already know how you feel about our brave men and women in uniform. They are conquering the world for Americas evil Empire! So if an Islamic terrorist kills one because of our misguided foreign policy, hey America has go to be wrong! So do we just abandon the Middle East? Leave our strategic positions around the world? You don't think that if we just say nice things to people like Obama nothing bad will happen to us do you? If you read up on the Founding Fathers you would know they liked an Italian saying: Make yourself into a sheep the wolves will eat you.

  4. Truthers have a right to their opinion just like anyone else. I can't say that they are right or not, but as with anything else in life there are always things that don't add up, but there's an answer for that. In a highly emotion situation like what we had happen eight years ago it's easy to see things that aren't there or miss things that are right in front of your eyes. The truth is we were attacked that day, and most of the hijackers were our friends, the Saudis.
    I oppose abortion, but we all know that passing a law against something doesn't stop it. For that reason, despite my objects to abortion I believe it should be legal simply for the reason that the back alley abortions are unsafe and I don't want the mothers dying too. You might feel otherwise, but I'm pretty sure the women getting abortions now aren't all reckless baby killers who don't give a damn. Each one has her own story to tell, and until I'm in their positions who am I to judge them. I don't believe I ever mentioned how I feel about our armed forces. I know I mentioned that our foreign policy seems reckless in my opinion, but I never said anything disparaging against our troops. Supporting the troops doesn't always mean supporting the war. If send our military- our neighbors, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers- into battle we need to know that they have all the equipment they need, like Rumsfeld's nice ride when he was in Iraq. We should only use force when necessary. Did we accomplish the mission in Iraq? We never found any WMD's and Saddam is dead, Bush's gift to the world. It seems to me that we are now trying to subdue people who don't want us there. We won't leave until they stop killing our soldiers, and they won't stop until we leave. If the police came to your house and arrested a burglar would you expect them to leave, or stick around in case someone else comes to rob you? This has been fun and I'd like to discuss more but I have laundry to fold and get to bed. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend.

  5. You can't say truthers are right or not!! You know the saying: To lead is to decide, to decide is to divide. Your wishy washy answer tells me your not a leader! We need leaders in Congress! A Conservative can tell right from wrong! They will come down on 1 side or the other. Maybe look at Michelle Bachmann, Paul Ryan, and Mike Pence they don't sit on the fence and wait to see what side to jump down to. They look at what is right and wrong and come to a decision. I have never met a Conservative that wasn't sure and proud of there decisions or there beliefs. They know what they believe and make it known. You are a fence setter you sit and watch and wait to see what won't offend the least amount of people. That is not LEADERSHIP!!! Maybe you should rethink you Conservative title you give yourself!!

  6. I'll assume you are voting for Reichert, but on the topic of wishy-washy, he voted to continue funding the wars one month, then the next month voted against it. Oh well, DelBene would probably vote to subsidize the same people we're fighting against.

  7. YOu make alot of assumptions. Plus I only wrote the first comment on this blog so you are addressing multiple people like they are one. You really are trying to be a politician already your not elected yet! Man it usually takes Washington D.C. for someones head to get that big!

  8. Hey JT turn on your tv it's 9/12 you can see conservatives on tv. You can use the video for reference. You notice that people don't campaign there. They won't dare defile the tea party with there selfish campaigning!! Like You did on the $th of July!!!!
