Monday, August 10, 2009

Town Hall Backlash

Across the nation members of Congress are holding town hall meetings in their home districts. Some of these town halls are becoming near riots as the very vocal 30% of Americans who are against the Obamacare plan are turning out in force. Either the White House is giving us phoney numbers or the 70% in favor are staying home. Adam Smith held one in Puyallup last week but I don't know how raucous it got. Despite the outrage, some Congressmen continue to hold public meetings. Others, lacking the courage to face their constituents, are holding teleconfernces. Our own Dave Reichert recently held a teleconference, a format which is more easily controlled than a crowd. Reichert also had a BBQ in Mercer Island recently, where he got an earful from constituents. Despite the public outcry against Obamacare, the White House and media continue to belittle anyone who offers dissent. Some change.
In other news, I met with local Republicans last week and I continue to be encouraged by the lack of love for Dave Reichert. I also spoke at the Mountain Community Co-op board meeting about proposed and pending legislation which affects health. The "Food Facism" bill, HR 2749 unfortunately passed the House at the end of July. As I predicted, Reichert voted in favor of giving the government control of your food. On Saturday I had the pleasure of attending Wendy Birnbaum's Freedom on Fire picnic and pig roast in Orting. The food was fantastic and I met a lot of people who are fed up with Congress in general and Reichert in particular. The more people I meet the more fired up I am to with this election!