Saturday, July 25, 2009

Some Odds and Ends

Last weekend I graduated from the Nisqually Stream Stewards course. I now have a better understanding of all the groups who want to use our resources, how they conflict with each other, and how they can be brought together. I met a lot of great people, learned some interesting things, and had a great time.

The campaign website recently welcomed visitor number 100. Due to a systems issue I can't tell when it was, but it was sometime in July. I must have someone's attention somewhere because the top city for page hits is Washington, DC. Overall, the Seattle-Tacoma area leads DC metro area. I'm wondering if all those visits are from friend or foe. Also, we've gone international will visits from Taiwan, Canada, and England.

It seems as though House Democrats are taking a page from Olympia's playbook. The entire state budget was written in a secretive process by a handfull of Democrats, and in the other Washington it's looking the same way. House Dems are declaring the budgeting process, which normally allows for input from all 435 member, to be off-limits to all but 60 members of the Appropriations Committee. Committee chairman David Obey (D-WI) says the new rule is limit time spent on debates. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) says it is to save Democrats from casting politically painful votes. Don't we hire these people to debate budgets and bills and make tough decisions? It's just another attempt to rush as much through as quickly as possible without anyone having a chance to stop the train wreck ahead. With a Read the Bills Act or One Subject at a Time Act there would be no need for such shenanigans.

I heard from someone that 70% of Americans are in favor of the national healthcare plan. So far I've met three of those people. Am I in the wrong crowd or is someone switching the numbers on the polls?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Doctor Obama Will See You Now

As we all know, one of Barack Obama's top priorities (and the only campaign promise he intends to keep apparently) is to provide every American with government-funded healthcare. It is a very noble idea, as I believe everyone has a right to good health. I also believe everyone has a right to a car, but is it the government's job to make sure we all have one? I agree the healthcare system needs an overhaul. Believe it or not, it can be achieved at no cost to the taxpayer!

I was at a BBQ today (technically, it was yesterday since we're past midnight now) and there were a few Iraq vets there swapping horror stories about their VA care. One of them has a simple finger issue he's been dealing with since 2007 and he will get to see a VA doctor in March 2010 to get it taked care of. He offered to do the surgery himself if they give him a local anesthsia. I fear that is the future of American healthcare if the Obama plan passes.

My solution to solve the healthcare "crisis" is simple economics. The goal of every company is to provide a product or service as the best price that earns a profit. The goal of consumers is to pay the least amount for the best quality goods and services. Companies constantly compete to offer the best product or service at the lowest price. Except with health insurance in most cases. Most Americans with private insurance get it through payroll deductions.

My experience has been that my monthly deductions increase every year while the level of service declines. Most normal consumers would simply chose another company to business with if it were any other product or service. However, unless you purchase your own insurance, you don't have the option to shop around for the best insurance plan. My plan for health insurance reform would remove that problem by allowing consumers to select from any insurer they want to, while also allowing for them to get the group rates. The competition would bring down the costs of premiums while increasing the level of serivce.

The reasons for the skyrocketing cost of healthcare are also simple economics. Doctors are performing a service for which they expect to be compensated a certain amount. Insurance companies want to pay the least amount of money possible so they routinely pay doctors a lesser amount than the amount billed. To compensate, doctors charge a higher rate. Factor in that administrative costs average about 50% of an insurance comapany's expenses and it's plain to see that getting sick is bad for the wallet as well as the body.

The single-payer plan is a wonderfully generous idea. No one should have to chose between buying food or seeing a doctor. It's a very noble cause, but a very idealistic and foolish one. It's not the job of the government to provide for everyone. After learning that a friend whose job transferred him to England had to pay 60% in taxes, I was mortified to learn the REAL cost of free healthcare. That's change we can do without.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

One Last Stimulus Package...

As I guessed a few months ago, Barack Obama is proposing yet another stimulus package after the last one somehow failed. And I suppose this one will do the trick and stimulate the economy. Republicans are lining up in opposition, but for the wrong reasons I fear. While I oppose the plan on constitutional grounds and the fact that history shows again and again that central planning NEVER works, I'm 95% sure Republican leadership is opposed merely to give the illusion of opposition. I'm interested to see how my opponent will play this. Will Dave Reichert follow orders and vote against stimulus once again, or will he defy the party like he did with cap and trade? Stay tuned for more developments.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yet Another Unconstitutional Bill

HR 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009 is coming to the House for a vote. The name is completely innocent-sounding, deceptively so. What the bill aims to do is control the food supply.
*It calls for an annual $500 registration fee for any facility that holds, processes, or manufactures food. Does that include your home? I hold food in my kitchen.
*It empowers the FDA to regulate how crops are grown and harvested. Putting the government in charge of farming can't be a great idea. There's not a thing under the sun that the government can do efficiently, farming included.
*It gives the FDA quarantine power over any area, including “prohibiting or restricting the movement of food or of any vehicle being used or that has been used to transport or hold such food within the geographic area.” This could be a back door move to martial law.
*It allows the FDA to make warrantless searches of business records of any facility that holds, processes, or manufactures food. Even if there is no probable cause.
*It authorizes the Secretary of HHS to establish a food tracking system. Every facility that holds, packs, processes, or manufactures food must have a full background of each item- where it came from, what's in it, etc. Again, does it include my home?
*It establishes severe criminal penalties of up to 10 years imprisonment and $100,000 fines for individual violations.
The problem here in America isn't that we have too many criminals- we have too many laws which CREATE criminals. This bill completely misses the point of food safety enhancement and instead restricts the rights of farmers to grow crops in the most efficient way they know how, instead relying on the government to "know best" how to do something. Call or email Dave Reichert and urge him to vote against this dangerous piece of legislation. I expect him to support HR 2749, and if it passes I will make it a top priority to repeal it if elected.

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4th TEA Party

I celebrated my favorite holiday by spending some time with a dedicated group of patriots at Puyallup's TEA Party across from Pioneer Park. It was great meeting so many wonderful people who all care about FREEDOM! My wish for the upcoming year is to reach enough people like them who care, and others who might not care so much, so we can stand together and reclaim our lost liberties. The government that can give you anything you want can take everything you have and it rarely gives anything back without a fight. Join my growing campaign as the Mighty Eighth leads the charge to take back America!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July

My favorite holiday is upon us again. This weekend we celebrate everything that makes America great, our freedom being foremost. Well, maybe after blowing stuff up. In between hot dogs and fireworks, take a minute to think about what our Founding Fathers did for us in 1776 and how much things have changed since then- some better, some worse. Take time to actually read the Declaration of Independence. It truly is a masterpiece. In closing, Jefferson stated, "We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." We really meant that. Failure to win the war meant anyone whose name was on that document faced hanging as a traitor to the crown. Thousands of Continental soldiers and state militiamen died to secure our freedom. Robert Morris, a Congressional delegate from Philadelphia, was one of the wealthiest men in America at the time. Through his loans (as well as from foreign governments) the war was financed. By the time of Washington's presidency he was in debtor's prison. He truly pledged his fortune. As for their sacred honor, I believe the Revolutionary generation is among the most revered of all time. Had the Revolution failed how they be remembered today? Think about what freedom means to you, and thank a veteran. If you enjoy your freedom and want to keep it, think about voting for me.